One Simple Car Insurance Trick To Save You Money!
This isn’t going to be like the ads that start with “One simple trick to…” No, we have actual, useful information to provide because we hate having our time wasted as much as you do! Enough, already, here are the parts of the trick:
Compare Auto Insurance Quotes
Make sure you’re comparing similar car insurance coverage and not shopping on price alone. Make sure you’re only looking at companies that are going to be around when you have a claim. Make sure you’re considering appropriately any optional coverage.
Tell The Truth
Yes, we just said that. Frequently, someone will bring us a stack of quotes that are all over the map and ask for comparison. My first question is, “Did any of these pull your MVR?” Inevitably, the answer I get is “Well, I gave them my license number!”
Insurance carriers, especially the direct writers, do not pull your driving and claims history until you have already committed to the quote and often not until after you’ve handed over payment information! In some states, the folks with the lizard mascot will attempt to charge the first month at the quoted price and then pull reports, leaving you with a policy that could have a drastic price change!
And those comparison sites? They don’t pull anything. They’re nothing but affiliate marketing, at their core. If you’re not 100% honest about every single detail, car insurance rates can change dramatically before the policy is actually issued.
Yes, we just said that. Frequently, someone will bring us a stack of quotes that are all over the map and ask for comparison. My first question is, “Did any of these pull your MVR?” Inevitably, the answer I get is “Well, I gave them my license number!”
Insurance carriers, especially the direct writers, do not pull your driving and claims history until you have already committed to the quote and often not until after you’ve handed over payment information! In some states, the folks with the lizard mascot will attempt to charge the first month at the quoted price and then pull reports, leaving you with a policy that could have a drastic price change!
And those comparison sites? They don’t pull anything. They’re nothing but affiliate marketing, at their core. If you’re not 100% honest about every single detail, car insurance rates can change dramatically before the policy is actually issued.
How Can I Get An Accurate Auto Insurance Quote?
Well, you could try to remember every single detail of everything that’s ever happened to you and key that data into ten or twelve websites. But credit can play a factor, as well, and it’s not as if you can just key your FICO score into a quote online. It just doesn’t work that way.
So the solution, the one easy trick, is to work with a provider like Effective Coverage who can give you rates for several types of policies and who can pull in the relevant factual data before giving you numbers so you know those numbers are solid! When you work with Effective Coverage, you get comparison quotes with several options, and you know they’re accurate because they include your driving and claims history before payment information is given!
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